Peer Review Process
- All manuscripts (scientific papers, reviews, chronicles of scientific events) received by the editorial board undergo a double anonymous peer review process. The names of reviewers and authors are not disclosed.
- Reviews of manuscripts received by the editorial board are reviewed by the editorial board for compliance with ethical standards before sending them to the authors. The ethical requirements for reviewers can be found here.
- The stages of manuscript evaluation and reviewing:
- The first review period is up to 2.5 months.
- If at least one of two reviewers has comments, the manuscript is returned to the author for revision.
- In case of the negative review of two reviewers at once, the manuscript is rejected. The author is sent a substantiated rejection.
- If ethical principles are violated by the reviewers, the editorial board will send the manuscript to another reviewer.
- In case of one positive and one negative review the manuscript is sent to another reviewer.
- In case of a second negative review, the manuscript is rejected.
- The final decision on the publication of the paper as well as the time of its publication is made by the editorial board.